The Rebirth of Driftwood – A Dialogue with Nature: Wei-Chiuan Wang (王偉權) Art Exhibition
2024.07.31 - 2025.02.05

Hsien-Chia Wang, also known as Wei-Chiuan Wang, grew up in a nature-rich rural environment. In 2003, a chance encounter with a pinecone marked the beginning of his dialogue with driftwood. Wang’s artistic philosophy is centered on “reverence for the earth, transforming inner passion and hope into the sparks of life within his works.” He excels in using animals and realistic life scenes as themes, bringing the static driftwood to life through sculpting, imbuing it with vividness and spirit, thereby bestowing it with new life.
His creations often utilize driftwood to practice environmental art, expressing his love for the land of Taiwan and his reverence for the earth. His anthropomorphic works are lively and realistic, reconstituted, assembled, and combined from variously shaped driftwood, allowing these pieces to be reborn and reintegrated into the embrace of nature.

Exhibition Title:The Rebirth of Driftwood – A Dialogue with Nature: Wei-Chiuan Wang Art Exhibition
Exhibition Date:2024/7/31–2025/2/05
Exhibition Location:Zone B, Taiwan Folks Art Area, Terminal 1, Taoyuan International Airport
Supervisor:Taoyuan International Airport Corporation Ltd.
Organizer:Wang Wei Chiuan Art Studio (logo only, no text), EVERRICH Foundation
Co-Organizer:EVERRICH Duty Free Shop