Our aspiration is public service, and our mission is public welfare.

From the Chairman to entry-level employees, we have long contributed to public welfare and promoted a virtuous cycle in society through the results of our operations.

RICH the World

Passion for Public Welfare in Our Sustainability DNA

With altruism as our starting point, we create common good with society.

With altruism as our starting point, we create common good with society.

Our employees take it upon themselves to organize 400 public welfare activities every year.

Our employees take it upon themselves to organize 400 public welfare activities every year.

The Chairman leads by example, shaping a corporate culture in which everyone is a volunteer.

The Chairman leads by example, shaping a corporate culture in which everyone is a volunteer.

Volunteer Culture

“Inspire Love, Continue Kindness”

Under the leadership of the Chairman, the General Manager and all senior executives, every EVERRICHER has been actively involved in public welfare activities. Every employee voluntarily uses their vacation days and takes action to help organizations in need; they even bring their families and friends along to spread the good influence.


Establishment of Three Foundations Out of Gratitude

Out of gratitude to his parents for raising him, EVERRICH Chairman Simon Chiang has set up three foundations with profits from the company and personal donations, without raising funds from the public. They are devoted to social welfare, offering aid to different segments of society.

EVERRICH Foundation

EVERRICH Foundation

The foundation was established to promote tourism in Taiwan and foster the development of the tourism industry. It is registered with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

Chiang Education Foundation

Chiang Education Foundation

The foundation was established to promote culture and education as well as to provide aid to children and youth. It is registered with the Ministry of Education.

Yungray Charity Foundation

Yungray Charity Foundation

The foundation was established to offer emergency relief and provide care and aid to disadvantaged groups. It was registered with the Ministry of the Interior, and transferred to the Ministry of Health and Welfare later.
