Apply for Pick-Up Change
Thank you for your support of Ever Rich!
Apply for Pick-Up Change
Thank you for your support of Ever Rich!

When you have a change of itinerary and need to adjust your pick-up date, time or location, please use the following form. (The field * is required) If you are unable to fill out the form, please call our customer service and a commissioner will help you. We wish you have a pleasant journey! Have a safe trip.
Don't use symbols
Country Code
Cell Phone Or Landline Number (Incl. Area Code)
Due to duty-free store related regulations, changing pick-up location may result in order(s) not being fulfilled fully. (Different locations may have different stocks.) A clerk will help you at the store.
可上傳售貨單、新行程等圖檔(支援 jpg、png 格式),單檔大小不可超過 3MB,最多 3 張